The 2024 MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit, held from August 21-24 in the picturesque Lake Tahoe, California, brought together leading minds in digital marketing. The event focused on the ever-evolving challenges of data deprecation and new ways of leveraging data in the digital ecosystem. Set against the gorgeous backdrop of the Sierra Nevada range, this year’s summit was a deep dive into innovative solutions for a world without third-party cookies, exploring everything from Retail Media Networks (RMNs) to AI-driven programmatic buying.

Redefining Strategies in an Evolving Landscape

The event consisted of a series of insightful presentations and panels. A fireside chat with Melissa Bonnick of JPMorgan Chase was a highlight. In it, she discussed how diversity fuels innovation in programmatic advertising. She emphasized the importance of diverse and authentic execution styles in maintaining brand safety while innovating in today’s digital landscape.

A pivotal panel discussion, “RMNs and The New Media Shopping Cart,” led by Cory Treffiletti, explored whether RMNs are set to replace Google as a key ad strategy pillar. The panelists explored the effectiveness, costs, and integration of RMNs within broader media plans. Panelists from Mindshare, Kinesso, and Monster Energy shared their perspectives on how the walled gardens are reshaping data-driven media strategies.

Mikey Mizrahi from Reckitt presented a compelling case study on how practical automation can streamline workflows, reduce burnout, and improve accuracy in programmatic advertising. This session was a testament to how AI, when applied strategically, can significantly enhance the media planning and buying processes.

Lenovo’s Lyle Currier took the stage for a keynote Q&A, discussing how a return to contextual targeting is helping the brand grow in a highly competitive market. Many speakers echoed the relevance of contextual targeting, including Jennifer Zeghibe from Dstillery. She mentioned how our patented behavioral targeting technology, ID-free®, is now available via Contextual Integration on The Trade Desk. Our innovative approach provides a scalable, privacy-compliant ad targeting solution that aligns perfectly with the industry’s shift away from third-party cookies.

SVP of Digital at Dentsu, Manny Hernandez, took time during his presentation to reflect on the journey from 2020’s initial predictions about the impact of cookie deprecation to the present state of digital advertising. He discussed how the industry had to quickly adapt, with media buyers preparing for a future without third-party cookies. Manny reviewed the progress made over the past four years, highlighting the solutions currently being tested by marketers, and shared key learnings and observations that have emerged as the industry navigates the ongoing transition to a cookieless environment.

5 Key Takeaways

1. RMNs are here to stay: With their rich first-party data and point-of-purchase access, RMNs are becoming a cornerstone of data-driven media strategies despite their higher costs.

2. AI in media buying: Practical applications of AI are proving to be game-changers – from automating routine tasks to enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of media campaigns.

3. Contextual targeting makes a comeback: As cookies phase out, brands are returning to contextual targeting, leveraging new tools and partnerships to deliver effective campaigns.

4. Diversity fuels innovation: Embracing diversity in thought, execution, and media spend is key to maintaining brand safety while driving innovation in programmatic advertising.

5. Networking and knowledge sharing: The mix of formal sessions and informal networking activities provided a holistic experience, allowing attendees to seamlessly gain insights, forge connections, and unwind amidst the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe.

As the summit wrapped up, we all left with a wealth of new strategies, insights, and connections to navigate the data & programmatic world. The discussions in Lake Tahoe made it clear that while the adtech landscape is changing, there are many opportunities for those willing to innovate and adapt.