
This week, I’ve had an unusual amount of time to think about AdTech terms, as in “How clear is our industry?”, “If not clear, is that intentional?” and “Why such an overdose of relentless acronyms?”

With no shortage of alphabet soup in AdTech, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that our industry is often adrift in a sea of verbal confusion.  Imagine if each company in our grand Lumascape were to take the “Programmatic Oath.”  Much like Medicine’s Hippocratic Oath, we’d promise to uphold ethics, speak clearly, and define simple reasons behind our brand names (e.g., “Dstillery – the DS is for Data Science”).  We’d flat-out avoid the buzzwords.

The same standard should be upheld when distinguishing between two, three, or seven things that all sound like one.  Take, for example, the oft-used and seemingly benign term “platform”.  With DSPs, DMPs, SSPs, and CDPs, how does shortening to the word “platform” help get anyone’s point across?

And what’s all the industry buzz about ID-free?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a few years, ignoring the clamor for cookieless and ID-free ad targeting has been impossible.  The accelerating noise level won’t be put off by anything that Google does or doesn’t do, nor will any other industry titan “solve this” for our whole ecosystem. At Dstillery, we decided to take Privacy matters into our own virtual hands and boldly go where no other AdTech company has gone.  We invented a truly ID-free® technology that is now the only ad targeting tech of its kind on the market that’s truly without identifiers.  No alternate IDs, no ID-based probabilistic IDs, no bait-and-switch fingerprinting tactics.  And unlike contextual, we’re not reading words on a page.  Instead, Dstillery’s ID-free uses predictive behavioral signals to understand the best inventory moments on a given website.

Will the real ID-free please stand up?

You’re looking to cut through the clutter.  You’ve heard enough noise about whose solution is the “real ID-free”.  Now, we have something for you and you don’t have to just take our word for it.  That’s because at Dstillery, we’ve earned both a patent* for our tech and the registered trademark for our name.  Yes – The USPTO – unconfined by all the shackles and shortcomings of AdTech vernacular – has definitively decided that our ID-free is THE ID-free.  

Show me the Money.

If you’re a senior media professional in a programmatic agency, you and your Brand Marketer counterparts control your digital media budgets. Based on your campaign’s goals and your values on Privacy, you may be interested in finding an ID-free ad targeting solution that performs on par with the ID-based stuff.  And as such, you have choices.  We invite you to test drive our ID-free.  Compare it to ID-based.  Test both of ours together to gain 80% more reach.  Scour the market to find other ID-free wannabees.   

We think you’ll find that nearly one hundred of the Fortune 500 and a monthly average of 150 major media agencies can’t be wrong.  We’ve got something and we want to share it with many more of you.

*U.S. Pat. 11,068,935